Homemade thin pancakes – a delicious and easy recipe

Do you want to make the fastest and most delicious pancakes in your life?! You can eat thin fried pancakes in half an hour. Let’s go!

We put on the table all the necessary ingredients for the pancake dough (at the rate of “to eat for two once”):

  • Milk (cow’s, fresh, any fat content): 500 ml = two large tea cups of 250 ml each;
  • Three chicken eggs;
  • Flour (any flour will do, but I like to mix regular white wheat with whole grain 50/50): 200 g = a little over 1 cup per 250 ml;
  • Sunflower oil: 2 tablespoons;
  • Sugar: 2 tablespoons;
  • Salt: half a teaspoon.

Take a large deep bowl, which will be convenient to mix the ingredients. I usually use a plastic bowl from Ikea. You need to add the ingredients one by one, constantly stirring them (with a spoon, fork, whisk or mixer – as you like).

The sequence of adding ingredients to the pancake dough:

  1. Crack all three eggs into a bowl. Be careful not to get pieces of the shell into the dough.
  2. All 2 tablespoons of sugar.
  3. And all half a teaspoon of salt.
  4. Stir the resulting mixture so that the salt and sugar dissolve.
  5. If you have milk from the refrigerator, then warm it up a little in the microwave so that the milk is at room temperature or a little warmer, but not hot!
  6. Pour in 150 ml of milk (about 3/4 of a large tea cup). And mix.
  7. Add gradually all 200 g of flour, mixing well. At this stage, lumps may form. How to get rid of them – see below.
  8. Add the remaining 350 ml of milk (about 1 whole and another 1/4 large tea cup).
  9. Two tablespoons of sunflower oil. This oil will allow you to fry pancakes practically in their own juice, you will only need to grease the pan at the very beginning, and then you can no longer add oil.


How to get rid of lumps in pancake dough?

  • To remove lumps, you need to either beat the dough well with a mixer, or break the lumps on the edges of the bowl with a spoon.
  • If you have time, you can simply leave the finished dough for half an hour or an hour, and the lumps will gradually fall apart.
  • There is another option – in a separate bowl, knead the eggs, sugar and salt; Pour flour into another bowl, into which gradually pour milk and liquid mixture from the first bowl. When liquids are poured into flour, and not vice versa – flour is poured into liquid, then there will be no lumps. But technically it’s a little more time consuming, as extra utensils are needed.
  • If you want to completely get rid of the lumps, then before frying the pancake dough can be driven through a sieve and break up the lumps with your hands.

If small lumps still remain, then it’s okay, they will not affect the final taste of pancakes in any way.

How to fry pancakes in a pancake pan?

A pancake pan is specially made for frying pancakes, but many people have difficulty using this miracle of technology. Typically a pancake pan is flat, has low rims, and is made of a material that will heat the bottom evenly so that the pancake cooks evenly across the surface. The most difficult moment is to turn the pancake over so that it does not stick to the pancake pan, otherwise it will turn out to be “pancake lump”.

The fact is that cheap options for pancake pans have a coating that is not so slippery that pancakes roll on the surface like clockwork. And if you also do not like to add too much oil when frying, then my live hack will come in handy:

  • before frying the first pancake, drop a little sunflower oil into the pan,
    heat up the pan well before pouring the pancake batter,
  • pour the batter quickly in one motion, then lift the pancake pan and swirl the batter on it until they are liquid so that the batter covers the entire surface of the pan,
  • set the pancake to fry, and as soon as the edges of the pancake begin to darken, start with a wooden spatula (you can wipe its tip with a little oil) to pry off the pancake, checking its roasting,
  • if you are satisfied with the frying of one side, then continue to wave the pancake with a spatula until you reach 1/3 or the middle (curled from the size of the pancake), in order to turn the pancake over to the other side with one bold movement of the spatula.

If you want to toss pancakes in a picturesque and spectacular way so that they turn over in the air, then you need to moisten the pan better with oil so that the pancakes “ride” and make the pancakes not too thin.

Share your thoughts on this recipe in the comments! How do you like pancakes?

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