I became interested in knitting and decided to study the knitting needles market – what kind of knitting needles to buy so that it would be pleasant to knit with them and so that the knitting needles would not break at the first turn. I take everything seriously, studied user reviews, watched videos and tried to hold knitting needles from different brands in my hands. As a result, I made my choice and bought knitting needles of different sizes. Let’s go in order.
My favorite knitting needles today:
Many people recommend Chinese ChiaoGoo knitting needles as the best option for knitting, but I thought that German, Indian, Japanese or Russian seemed to me more reliable and cheaper. Chaogo these are probably the most expensive knitting needles! But I don’t like to buy into marketing and take something very expensive, just because it’s expensive.
I came to the conclusion that it is better to choose good knitting needles, but you should not spend too much money on “sushi sticks”. Knitting needles are just a tool, it should be of high quality and convenient, and not just “fashionable and expensive”. The needles themselves will not bind anything. If you have to choose what to spend money on, then I think it’s better to buy natural yarn and knit from top materials.
The ADDI needles turned out to be pleasant and very light, the line is super soft and does not interfere with knitting. But the price is 800 rubles! Now I would not buy such expensive knitting needles, because I realized that the knitting needles cost 200 rubles. Nothing worse for me, and sometimes even more pleasant. Having bought many different knitting needles, having tried them in practice, I found that the most convenient for me are the stocking needles of the Indian brand PTO – gray and elongated tips.
Также для вязания пригодятся маркеры, которыми удобно отмечать начало круг или рапорт рисунка.
Markers are also useful for knitting, with which it is convenient to mark the beginning of a circle or report of a pattern.